Goodman on Colbert
Irony will meet its opposite when Amy Goodman is on the Colbert Report tonight. I expect it to be a good interview as the best Colbert interviews are when his guests play it completely straight and leave all the humour-generation to Stephen. Also, being in character means Colbert doesn't need to suck up to his guests (hint, hint JS).
Note to Comedy-Central: Please fix your slow, clunky, site with its often undependable video-streaming. Perhaps you can learn from MSNBC; whose site we have no complaints about (well, except that it doesn't like Firefox). The cheapskates and freeloaders of the world demand it !
I agree with your assessment that more hilarity ensues when the guests don't try to joke around with Colbert, but there was one exception- Neal Katyal managed to play it straight while also being really funny (especially with the marked up Bill of Rights).
Vive Colbert!
I did like the Katyal interview; I need to go back and watch it. If I remember correctly Katyal's ability to keep a straight face helped. Yes, playing it straight and being funny is quite an achievement.
Vive Colbert indeed !
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