Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Cash Cameos

If you like playing name-that-cameo (and can get past the pretentiousness, perhaps) you might like this video. Maybe I'll post the names at some point. Or you can do so in the comments. I'm not sure who the first guy is (who talks about Cash's wearing black).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa... Kanye, Timberlake and Kate Moss made it hard for me to watch any further, even though Iggy Pop, Flea, Q-Tip and Chris Rock quelled the bile.

And I have no idea who that first dude is.

11/15/2006 10:15:00 AM  
Blogger ashvin said...

Whoa... Kanye, Timberlake and Kate Moss made it hard for me to watch any further, even though Iggy Pop, Flea, Q-Tip and Chris Rock quelled the bile.


Q-tip was one of the few faces I did not recognize... need to brush up on my hip-hop. Speaking of hip-hop, I had to make a presentation today and I tried to "punch it up" by adding the phrase "More data more problems" but did not get a reaction. Maybe I should have made it "Mo data mo problems". Or maybe my audience ("braniacs on the nerd patrol" to quote S.Colbert) is a lost cause.

11/15/2006 05:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well-placed Stephen Colbert quotes make me topple over in laughter- which is what happened when I read your comment. I can't believe your audience did not get "more data more problems." In my case, people use a phrase like that unintentionally and I start giggling inappropriately.

11/16/2006 10:32:00 AM  
Blogger ashvin said...

On second thoughts, I've decided that the poor reception of the line was likely due to poor delivery. Comic timing is slightly easier on comments on blogs.

11/17/2006 06:45:00 PM  

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